These are the latest additions to our family. A friend of Todd's (Ramez) is letting us take care of these fish for him. Ramez' wife and child are in Canada. His wife is due with another baby later this month and they went to Canada to be with her family and so the baby will have Canadian citizenship. Ramez is busy with work and such and knew our kids would love to have these fish, which they do love.
I would post a picture of a 3rd fish that Cricket got for her birthday but it only lived for a total of 2 days after we got it home. We should've known.
We were told where the pet stores were located here in Amman. We walked into the first one and Cricket picked out her fish. It was in a tank with several other fish--one of which was dead. But she saw the fish she wanted. They fished it out of the tank for us (pun intended) and put it in a plastic bag. We went to pay for it and I thought he said "Three." I was getting 3 JD from my purse and he repeated it a couple of times. Petey then told me they were saying "Free. Free." I thought it was so kind and they were so happy to have Americans come in their store to buy a goldfish. Looking back, it was probably because they knew that fish wasn't going to last long.
After getting Cricket's fish we walked further down the street just to see what pet stores here in Jordan have to offer. We walked into a few others and I knew then we had probably made a mistake. The others were much cleaner and the fish looked much healthier.
In case you're wondering, the pet stores we saw sold lots of fish and birds and a couple of rabbits.
Dinner on Thursday
1 day ago
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