Now that we've left Egypt, I feel a need to record what we did there so when we look back on our time we'll remember it wasn't all homeschool and sleeping. I'll continue to post to this blog until I catch up to the time we left Cairo in June 2010. Our new blog will pick up from that time forward.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

It's official--we're pretty sure anyway

This week the owner of Todd's company made the official invitation to our family to make the move to Egypt. Effective June 1st, Todd will be the general manager of Skopos and will no longer be a consultant "out in the field." I guess it kind of means he's the in-house consultant of the consultant company. The announcement was also made to Skopos employees so its now more official than it has ever been. We're now making our plans to move to a place where a section of town is nicknamed "Garbage City" although that term may apply to just about all of Cairo. Who's first to come visit? Anyone? Anyone?


underwhelmed said...

I'll come, I'll come!! Just don't make me eat anything... Send pictures, a whole new adventure. Yeah you!