Every week Nic gets together with Halen Leavitt for a little preschool. This is her with one of her preschool projects. These are the best kind of projects because you can eat them afterward. I have a picture of Halen but I don't have permission to post his picture on our un-private blog but you'll have to trust me when I tell you he's adorable. Last week we held most of preschool in the room where we keep the spring-horse. Halen didn't want to get off the horse so we brought preschool to him and it was perfect. He and Nic were attentive and not running all over the house. All preschools should have ponies for the children.
This is my first foray into preschool. Petey had a preschool for about two weeks one summer but it was taught by a couple of the Young Women from our ward. For this preschool, I teach once a week for two weeks in a row, then Halen's mom teaches for two weeks, and we keep switching back and forth. The best part is having a little playmate for Nic since T is still just a bit too young for them to really enjoy playing together.
So now that I've had like 3 months of preschool, I've decided I'm ready for bigger and better things. It's looking like next year when we're in Egypt I (and a tutor or two) will be homeschooling the kids. I know! Yikes! I AM crazy! This will either be the best thing we've done or the worst. Time will tell.
All I know is that we haven't been happy with the school in Kuwait or here in Jordan and it seems that Egypt offers the same kinds of things. There is still one option known as CAC or also known as the "Embassy School" meaning it's where most of the American ex-pats attend. Most are associated in someway with the government or the embassy so their tuition is paid for. Todd's company does pay some tuition.
In Kuwait it was enough to cover 4 kids' tuition at the "Embassy School." Here in Jordan it would've only covered about half of 5 kids' tuition but we weren't happy with the Kuwait school so we thought we'd try something different anyway. And we're still not happy. This year we'll have 6 school age kids. Tuition at CAC for 6 kids would be just over $90,000. Whew! Whose idea was this to have so many kids?! Like I said, Todd's company pays some tuition but certainly not $90,000. So we've decided to take the tuition money and get a great homeschool curriculum with a tutor or two and voila! Educated children! Or maybe not.
Everyone but Petey thinks homeschool will be great. Our kids were friends with a family in UT that homeschooled their kids (shout out to the Eubanks!) so our kids saw the benefits of homeschool. Petey is at the social age and isn't so sure that homeschool will be the best option. She wants us to cough up the expensive education for her and homeschool the rest of the kids. We're keeping that option open for now but it is closing quickly. We've assured them that we will involved them in community programs whether they want to or not. It'll be a different experience but I've convinced myself I can do anything for a few months so we'll give this a try. It couldn't be any worse than the last couple of years, right?
Spring Formal
11 hours ago
Way to go Catherine. You will do awesome, I have no doubt about that!! good luck!!
tell everyone Trey says thanks for the Happy Birthday. He can wait to see you all this summer.
Sorry that is suppose to be "can't wait to see you all this summer." So sorry!!
Good luck! I know that you can do it just have patience with the process until you find your routine. My one piece of advice is make a schedule so you don't feel like it's a mad house. Keep me in the loop and email me if you have more questions. The HS community here in NM is pretty large and we are going on year 4 next school year! If you don't want to buy full on curriculum which more expensive try rainbow resource to piece things.
I was happy to discover your blog today. I spent a year in Saudi Arabia when I was a boy (attending Riyadh International Community School) and reading about another US family in the Middle East brings back memories!
I was unable to find an email link or profile in your blog. I hope it's OK that I'm contacting you through a public comment. I've developed an educational program for Windows called SpellQuizzer that helps children learn their spelling words without the battle that parents often have getting them to sit down and write them out while the parents dictate to them. The parent enters the child's spelling words into the software making a sound recording of each word. Then the software helps the child practice his or her words. It really helped my children with their weekly spelling lists.
I would appreciate your reviewing SpellQuizzer in the Todd Cummings Family blog. You can learn more about the program at http://www.SpellQuizzer.com. There's a video demo you can watch at http://www.spellquizzer.com/SpellQuizzer-Demo.htm. I'd be happy to send you a complimentary license for the software. Please let me know if you are interested.
Thank you very much!
Dan Hite
TedCo Software
Nic is so dang adorable!! What did you end up doing about the lead in her chin?
I think Petey will do just fine! There are several YW and they're all close, regardless of what school they go to. Although most do go to CAC, there are two French sisters who go to the French school. The girls in the branch are wonderful and will include her in their social circle regardless of where she goes to school.
Also, I know of one other mom who is homeschooling her two boys. She knows of a few other families who homeschool and sometimes they get together to do activities and things. Her name is Jenny and her blog is http://fugatesincairo.blogspot.com/.
I don't know her very well, but my friend Melissa (who is in the branch but will be moving back to the States soon) knows her fairly well.
Anyway, that's my two bits. :) We can't wait to meet you all!
Clara, I understand that homeschooling is not your first choice and I truly understand that, but it is only for a short time. Take this time to work on something that you truly love. Make a list of things that you have really wanted to do. They don't have to fall into the category of math, science or English ect. You do still need to do your regular subjects, but you will also have more time to explore other interest. This is a new adventure. I would suggest praying and asking Heavenly Father what things he wants you to study. Listen to your mom. She will be guided by the spirit in how and what to teach you.
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