You'll notice in the sidebar I've updated the pictures of the kids. I've been meaning to get new pictures for them for nearly 6 months. I've known where I can get them done here but just kept procrastinating it. I didn't want to have to search for a new place in Egypt and I was tired of thinking about it so I finally made sure the boys' hair was a decent length (not too long!), the little ones had a recent bath, and laundry was caught up so they'd have clean clothes to wear for the picture and a back-up outfit in case the first got stained while walking out the door.
The year before we left Kuwait I had decided I was no longer going to get the official school portrait pictures. As my kids got older and I had more kids in school and the photography company kept increasing prices, I had to shell out more money every year for what? We would get all fixed up and cute in the morning in clean clothes, curl the hair, wet down the cowlicks, straighten the collars, only to get a picture back a few weeks later with messy, unkempt hair, ketchup stains on their shirts, and if I was lucky they might be smiling. I had decided I would just take them into Walmart every year where I could make an appointment, keep food away from them til the time of their appointment, and choose my favorite shot from a variety of shots taken. And it would cost a lot less. A. LOT.
Both Kuwait and Jordan have offered school portraits for pretty much the same fees that we had in the States, so I opted out with the intention of getting my own done during the school year. I guess getting them done a couple of weeks after school lets out isn't too bad.
Getting them done the other day was quite an experience. Todd was in Egypt so I was on my own in making sure they looked decent. Petey had been reading a website a couple of weeks ago that showed her how to do a new hairstyle. She's tried it a handful of times and it is cute--kind of a scrunchy-hair look. She'd planned on doing that hairstyle for this picture. I was in my bathroom finishing up Nic's hair--everyone else was all ready to go--and Petey came running in in a panic. Something had gone terribly wrong and it didn't turn out. This particular hairstyle she was trying involves quite a bit of gel and hairspray so she was trying to brush out her very sticky hair with no luck. Now remember, timing is everything with my kids' pictures. If my 13 year old can't be ready at the right time, then by the time she's ready the other kids will all be messed up. Hmmmm.
So I told her we'd have to take her back another day. She wanted to try to salvage something and go with the rest of us so she promised she could be ready in 5 minutes. And she was--maybe more like 10. But it was ok. She rewashed her hair and just did a quick blow-dry. I think hers turned out cute. When we got home we drove up into the driveway and I heard her gasp. I asked what was wrong. Her reply was "I forgot to wear earrings!!!!!" Oh, the horror. She was convinced she would have to go back and get the picture retaken with her earrings. Fortunately you can see it wouldn't have mattered if she was wearing earrings.
Cricket wanted me to curl her hair but she was more concerned with having just the right outfit. She and Nic are very different. Cricket would wear a dress camping if I'd let her. Nic we have to bribe to get her in a dress every week for church. In fact, when I was finished curling Nic's hair she was horrified. She wanted those curls out. I brushed them out as best I could and she was happy. She's my tomboy.
I think the photographer picked just the right pose for Cricket. There were some shots that were more close-up of her but she wanted the full-body pose chosen as the print. While she was getting her pictures done, Petey whispered to me "Mom, she looks seductive." Critter didn't know what that meant. I just thought it was the perfect pose for her personality. Not seductive. But wouldn't it be perfect to have someone there fanning her with a big feather fan and someone else feeding her grapes?
The picture of Red fits his personality as well. He had some other shots with bigger smiles but those looked like fake smiles. This "look" is a "look" he has quite often when he wants to smile but is trying hard not to because he doesn't want anyone to think he's happy or thinks something is funny.
These may not be the typical school portraits but I guess it's all in the experience of getting them done.
P.S. I paid 15 JD (roughly $22) for 28 pictures in 3 sizes plus a CD. I'm ok with that.
Dinner on Thursday
1 day ago
You are so much braver than me. I hate picture time. I have needed pictures of my kids taken for years. I just have kept putting it off. Seeing your pictures make me want to get ours done. If you can do it with seven children I should be able to handle six children. Thanks for being an insiration to me.
Everyone is so adorable! I love the pictures. Can't wait to see all of you!
This is a beautiful family! Arab livin' seems to agree with the Cummings Clan!
I am with you on boycotting school pics. Too expensive. However, I need a photographer that will come to my house, and of course, cost what Wal Mart charges. Cute pics. Love them. Somebody bring that girl some grapes and start fanning!
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