Now that we've left Egypt, I feel a need to record what we did there so when we look back on our time we'll remember it wasn't all homeschool and sleeping. I'll continue to post to this blog until I catch up to the time we left Cairo in June 2010. Our new blog will pick up from that time forward.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Comment response

I wrote the following in response to a couple of comments from a previous post but thought other who don't read the comments might find it of interest:

After 3 days we really like this curriculum. We're doing it strictly homeschool though (not affiliated with any schools) so the parent-intensity is as much or little as I want it. I don't have to submit attendance reports, time spent, or other things like that. But it also means we pay for it. Instead of the private school allowance we get from Todd's company, we just used that for our homeschool curriculum.

Some homeschool to get away from the structure of traditional school. I homeschooled to get a bit of that structure back after having my kids attend the schools here in the ME for the last 2 years. It's looking like the k12 curriculum will fit our needs.

And it was totally like Christmas.