Now that we've left Egypt, I feel a need to record what we did there so when we look back on our time we'll remember it wasn't all homeschool and sleeping. I'll continue to post to this blog until I catch up to the time we left Cairo in June 2010. Our new blog will pick up from that time forward.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Relief Society Meeting

*Catherine, Amiee House, Jaehee Williamson

We had a fun Relief Society Meeting last week. We met on Saturday for breakfast at Lucille's in Maadi. It is like an American Diner. Great food. Then we took a tour of Road 9. Some came for the breakfast, some for the tour, and some for both. Total we had about 16 or 17 people.

Road 9 is known for it's shopping. They had everything from hardware, table linens, groceries, hair salons, touristy trinkets, music stores, furniture makers, alabaster shops, silver, jewelry, restaurants and bakeries all within I'd say a 1/2 mile if that. We stopped at one of the local bakeries and I bought each of the kids one of these pretzel-shaped bread things. They didn't taste like pretzels but they were good--especially when they were fresh and hot. They were about 20 cents each.

Maadi is about 30 minutes from where we live in Katameya but we spend a lot of time in Maadi. The church is there along with other shopping places. Maadi is where many expats live and some of the local grocery stores carry some American products that I can't find other places. We pay a pretty penny for many of those items but sometimes it's worth it. Just the other day I found green tobasco (one of Todd's favorites) and I bought some Oreos for Critter for his birthday. These are definitely a birthday treat because they are about $8 a bag.

I don't do my major grocery shopping in the small markets in Maadi. Remember, I'm shopping for 9 people. I can easily fill up two carts on our weekly shopping trip. It's amazing though how many items they can squeeze into the narrow aisles in the local Maadi markets. However, I do like their service. They're always very friendly and are very happy to carry your groceries to your car for you (or deliver if you're a Maadi local)--even if they only do it for the tip.


EmmaP said...

ok -- those pretzels look AMAZING!!!!! and $8 bag or oreos? wow! wht a great birthday treat tho!