Now that we've left Egypt, I feel a need to record what we did there so when we look back on our time we'll remember it wasn't all homeschool and sleeping. I'll continue to post to this blog until I catch up to the time we left Cairo in June 2010. Our new blog will pick up from that time forward.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

I can't sleep!

A couple of weeks ago when the weather started turning even warmer, we were charmed by the noises of frogs in the common grassy area between houses. Every night at dusk the frogs would start their songs to one another. Now, . . . it is just annoying. All night long we hear it. And it's loud! The video hardly does it justice. The video was taken as I was standing on the balcony just outside our bedroom.


Darcee said...

Yikes! I cannot imagine listening to that all night long! I can see how the charm would wear off after awhile. :) Are you going to invest in some good earplugs?