Before we moved here to the Middle East, we had a difficult time finding out information on the church. We wondered how many members were here, was there a formal congregation, etc. We were happy (sort of) to find out that indeed there were branches all over--one in Kuwait, a couple here in Jordan, and in various other places throughout the ME.
The reason I say "sort of" is because the thought of having church in our home with just our family or maybe one or two other families was kind of intriguing. The thought of no formal visiting teaching and all the other "requirements" that seem to bog us down was an interesting thought. But alas, it was not to be.
Don't get me wrong. I have thoroughly loved the two branches we've been in. I have become friends with amazing people I will never forget and may not have met otherwise if it hadn't been for our activity in the church.
Which leads me to this post. I will get to experience tomorrow my dream come true. I just received a call from the second counselor in our branch presidency. He was trying to reach Todd. Todd is the priesthood leader of the branch. Todd is in flight from Cairo and will be home in a couple of hours so he wasn't here to take the call from Brother Duerden. Turns out church is cancelled for tomorrow. For those of you buried under the snow, no, it is not because of the weather here. There is some concern about having a group of Americans meeting because of the current conflicts here in the region. Brother Duerden didn't know all of the details or reasons but he needed Todd's home teaching list and leadership to start a calling tree to let people know that we wouldn't be having church tomorrow.
Here's an even better part--I was supposed to speak in Sacrament Meeting. Unfortunately? I had already prepared my talk. It's printed out and everything. So I guess I get to delay giving it. But I'll be ready when they ask me again. I just hope they don't decide to change the topic.
And then there's the part of the title of this post that says "Don't worry." Todd is really keeping tabs via news, coworkers, etc. on our safety here. Several members of our branch work at the embassy in positions of knowledge that if they felt it wasn't safe to be here, they'd be sending their families home. So I guess when those Embassy families start returning back to the States, then I'll start packing our bags.
His Eye is On the Sparrow
5 hours ago
Hooray for you that your talk was postponed!
Just yesterday I heard some stomach churning news about Israel and the Gaza strip and had to pull out the handy dandy world globe to see just how close you guys are. Pretty darn close.
Stay safe. We love you!
We are praying for the ME to be safe for you all. Keep us up to date. Constantly worried, but assured you will all do the right thing. love you guys
I did the same thing as JoDell, You guys are pretty close. We are concerned. Stay safe and follow the spirit.
The Johnsons did that every other week in Kuwait and loved in once they got used to it from what I heard.
I love the new header picture. That must have been a fun event whatever it was that got you all dressed up.
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