You should know that Friday is my "sleep-in" day. I get to sleep in til all of about 7:45. That's the latest I can get up and still make it in time for 10 am church. I would like to sleep in on Saturdays as well. However, the way our house is set up, the family room is right off our bedroom. (I'll post pics someday). The kids are only allowed to play Wii, computer, etc. on Thursday nights after school and on Saturdays. So they want to make the most of their "game day" and they get up very early on Saturday to start playing. They try to be quiet. Mostly so I won't wake up and start making them do their chores. But they let the game get the best of them and they can't stay quiet so I don't get to sleep in much on Saturdays.
Lately Red has been waking up in the middle of the night and getting scared so he comes and crawls into bed with Todd and me. It's becoming so frequent that I hardly wake up when he comes in. Last night I didn't wake up when he came in but I was awakened by him early this morning--before my 7:45 alarm. Those who know me know I don't like to get up before I absolutely have to. Some things never change. So I was a bit perturbed that he woke me up but it is what he said that made me smile. The conversation was basically this:
Red: Mom . . . . . . MOM!
Me: (still in my croaky, morning, still asleep voice) Hmmmmmm?
Red: Do they have food in China?
Me: (pausing, trying to think if he's seen starving Chinese children on a TV show somewhere) Yes, they have food in China
Red: Is it a lot of food?
Me: (Where has he seen starving Chinese children?) Yes, I think they have a lot of food. Why?
Red: Because I've never seen ninjas eat and I wonder what they eat.
Me: Well the ninjas must have enough food or else they wouldn't be healthy and strong like they are.
Red: Oh, OK
Then I rolled over and went back to sleep.
Spring Formal
19 hours ago
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