This time of year the weather is a hot topic here in Jordan. It is the rainy season and being a desert country, they really depend on this season to see them through til next year.
All last week the topic of conversation was the upcoming weekend weather. It was gorgeous weather last week but they were predicting snow on Friday. Friday came. No snow. But we did get quite a bit of rain.
The youth had a bowling activity planned for Saturday night. Saturday night. Friday at church--Friday at 10 am--the activity was postponed because there "might" be snow the next day (I guess since it wasn't coming on Friday.)
It did rain most of the weekend. I'll give them that.
I was out driving in the rain at about 9 pm Saturday night taking Petey's friend home. I got a text message from the kids' school that the ministry wanted the schools closed the next day because of the weather. Remember--it hadn't actually snowed yet. It was just the thought that it might.
Cricket and Red were the happiest as they were the only ones who actually had school today. It is 2nd term final exam week for the older four. They only go for a couple hours each day long enough to complete an exam then they come home. Today the Arabic exams were scheduled but since our kids are beginning Arabic speakers they don't have to take that final. They're all hoping that school will again be canceled for tomorrow.
And to the ministry's credit, it did snow today. It was quite exciting actually as our kids haven't seen snow falling from the sky for quite a while. It lasted about 20 minutes then turned back into rain.
The kids got some extra time today on the Wii and computer. I did put them to work cleaning up a few things that were getting out of hand. They had to go through toys and bookshelves and closets and organize things. Here's an example "before" and "after" picture along with a picture of the boys taking a break from their work. Gotta love those school rain days so we can get some extra work done at home.
Books and jokes and jokebooks
1 day ago
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